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Julian’s Bower is a medieval turf maze.  The name was given to turf mazes in several different parts of England. Only one of this name still exists, at Alkborough. I’ll let the gamers amongst you figure out the significance of the shadow.

Julien's Bower, grass maze at Alkborough
Quake     (Why haiku?)


Quite a lot of photographs have hidden stories (metanarratives) which, due to the fleeting nature of casual observers, might be missed. So, instead of lengthy texts describing them I have been dabbling with adding text to the images in the form of poetry. Yes, me, poetry, haha! Haiku or more often senryu to be precise. This probably makes things even more obscure but it does add another dimension and it makes you look a little closer and maybe ask questions…

Myst-erious, windmill conversion to observation deck